Impact of industrial air pollution on the quality of atmospheric water production

Aviv Kaplan,Gefen Ronen-Eliraz, Stanislav Ratner,Yaron Aviv, Yitzhak Wolanov,Dror Avisar

Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)(2023)

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The atmospheric water generator (AWG) is a commercially available device that produces water from the air in large volumes over short times. This method can be applied in most regions of the world to solve chronic and acute drinking water scarcity. However, knowledge of the effects of air chemical composition on AWG-produced water quality is still very limited. In this study, a comprehensive survey of AWG-produced water quality was conducted in a heavily polluted industrial environment; 83 AWG water samples were analyzed for 99 different quality parameters, including organic, inorganic, and microbial contamination. Two parameters-nickel (15 samples) and dichloromethane (2 samples)-exceeded sporadically their drinking water standards of EPA, EU and IL. Ammonia was the only parameter consistently above standard limits of 0.5 mg/L (61% of samples, relevant to 47 countries) and even higher than 1.5 mg/L. Comparison to real air concentrations of volatile pollutants in the same environment did not reveal any significant correlations; while some pollutants were found at high concentrations in the air, this was not reflected by their presence in the produced water. The findings show that even in areas that are considered excessively polluted relative to the natural environment, the water produced from the air by AWG could be considered suitable for drinking, with careful attention to very specific contaminants.
Atmospheric water generator,Air pollution,Water contamination,Drinking water,Water quality
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