
PPARγ Inhibits Small Airway Remodeling Through Mediating the Polarization Homeostasis of Alveolar Macrophages in COPD

Sirong He,Ruoyuan Tian,Xinying Zhang, Qingmei Yao,Quan Chen,Bicui Liu, Lele Liao, Yuxuan Gong, Hua Yang,Dan Wang

Clinical Immunology(2023)

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The role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-gamma (PPAR gamma) in alveolar macrophages(AMs) polarization homeostasis is closely associated with airway remodeling in COPD, but the definite mechanism remains unclear. In this study, elevated percentage of M1-type AMs and the expression of functionally cytokines were found in COPD patients and mice, which closely related to the disease severity. PPAR gamma was markedly up-regulated in M2-type AMs and down-regulated in M1-type AMs, and was associated with disease severity in COPD. Co-cultured with M1-or M2-type AMs promoted the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of airway epithelial cells and the proliferation of airway smooth muscle cells. Moreover, airway remodeling and functional damage were observed in both IL4R-/-COPD mice with runaway M1-type AMs polarization and TLR4-/-COPD mice with runaway M2-type AMs polarization. Cigarette extract (CS) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated PPAR gamma-/-AMs showed more serious polarization disorder towards M1, as well as CS induced PPAR gamma- /-COPD mice, which led to more severe airway inflammation, lung function damage, and airway remodeling. Treatment with PPAR gamma agonist significantly improved the polarization disorder and function activity in CS/LPS stimulated-AMs by inhibiting the JAK-STAT, MAPK and NF-kappa B pathways, and alleviated the airway inflammation, restored the lung function and suppressed airway remodeling in CS induced-COPD mice. Our research demonstrates that polari-zation homeostasis of AMs mediated by PPAR gamma has the protective effect in airway remodeling, and may be a novel therapeutic target for the intervention and treatment of airway remodeling in COPD.
PPAR?,Alveolar macrophages,Polarization homeostasis,Airway remodeling,COPD
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