
Selective Neuronal Knockout of STAT3 Function Inhibits Epilepsy Progression, Improves Cognition, and Restores Dysregulated Gene Networks in a Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Model

Annals of neurology(2023)

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Objective Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a progressive disorder mediated by pathological changes in molecular cascades and hippocampal neural circuit remodeling that results in spontaneous seizures and cognitive dysfunction. Targeting these cascades may provide disease-modifying treatments for TLE patients. Janus Kinase/Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (JAK/STAT) inhibitors have emerged as potential disease-modifying therapies; a more detailed understanding of JAK/STAT participation in epileptogenic responses is required, however, to increase the therapeutic efficacy and reduce adverse effects associated with global inhibition.Methods We developed a mouse line in which tamoxifen treatment conditionally abolishes STAT3 signaling from forebrain excitatory neurons (nSTAT3KO). Seizure frequency (continuous in vivo electroencephalography) and memory (contextual fear conditioning and motor learning) were analyzed in wild-type and nSTAT3KO mice after intrahippocampal kainate (IHKA) injection as a model of TLE. Hippocampal RNA was obtained 24 h after IHKA and subjected to deep sequencing.Results Selective STAT3 knock-out in excitatory neurons reduced seizure progression and hippocampal memory deficits without reducing the extent of cell death or mossy fiber sprouting induced by IHKA injection. Gene expression was rescued in major networks associated with response to brain injury, neuronal plasticity, and learning and memory. We also provide the first evidence that neuronal STAT3 may directly influence brain inflammation.Interpretation Inhibiting neuronal STAT3 signaling improved outcomes in an animal model of TLE, prevented progression of seizures and cognitive co-morbidities while rescuing pathogenic changes in gene expression of major networks associated with epileptogenesis. Specifically targeting neuronal STAT3 may be an effective disease-modifying strategy for TLE. ANN NEUROL 2023
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