Uncertainty Calibration for Counterfactual Propensity Estimation in Recommendation

Wenbo Hu, Xin Sun,Qiang liu, Le Wu, Liang Wang


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Post-click conversion rate (CVR) is a reliable indicator of online customers' preferences, making it crucial for developing recommender systems. A major challenge in predicting CVR is severe selection bias, arising from users' inherent self-selection behavior and the system's item selection process. To mitigate this issue, the inverse propensity score (IPS) is employed to weight the prediction error of each observed instance. However, current propensity score estimations are unreliable due to the lack of a quality measure. To address this, we evaluate the quality of propensity scores from the perspective of uncertainty calibration, proposing the use of expected calibration error (ECE) as a measure of propensity-score quality. We argue that the performance of IPS-based recommendations is hampered by miscalibration in propensity estimation. We introduce a model-agnostic calibration framework for propensity-based debiasing of CVR predictions. Theoretical analysis on bias and generalization bounds demonstrates the superiority of calibrated propensity estimates over uncalibrated ones. Experiments conducted on the Coat, Yahoo and KuaiRand datasets show improved uncertainty calibration, as evidenced by lower ECE values, leading to enhanced CVR prediction outcomes.
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