
Study on the Pre-Formulation of Sonneratia Caseolaris As Ready-to-drink Fruit Beverage

N.R. Mohamed Noor, S.H. Saidin,N.A. Mohamad Ali, S.H. Abd. Aziz, N.S. Zainol, M. Jamil, N. Yusoff, N.H. Mohd Hirmizi, S. Markandan, M.G.H. Khoo, A.M. Jalil, M.S.Y. Tolmanan

Food Research(2023)

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The uses of mangrove fruit in food and beverages are rarely published in scientific papers. One of the mangrove fruits used is Sonneratia caseolaris (berembang) or mangrove apple. Each part of the mangrove apple is unique and believed to have many uses, such as the sepal showing high antioxidants property. Some villagers eat the fruit as a vegetable although it is not very well known. Ripe fruit could destroy intestinal parasites in combating diarrhoea and semi-cooked fruit could cure cough. Few mangrove communities in Malaysia can process S. caseolaris fruit into food products such as jams and syrups. This research aimed to formulate mangrove apple (S. caseolaris) fruit puree and process it into a refreshing drink which complied with consumer acceptance and a longer shelf-life. Processing procedures for handling delicate S. caseolaris fruits and fruit puree formulations were developed for commercialization to ensure sustainability of raw material supply. Besides quality control and safety studies, the selection of ripe fruit with the appropriate size along with processing of the starting material is important to increase the quality of the product to be produced. Paste is the most suitable form to handle because the fruit of S. caseolaris has a soft texture apart from the sour taste with its own unique aroma. Ready-to-drink (RTD) fruit beverage product from S. caseolaris was developed through the support of scientific value through chemical, bioactivity, formulation, sensory, product safety and quality studies. Formula selection of RTD fruit beverage product is also an important factor in meeting local demand, ensuring it comply with customer requirements and are marketable. This study is expected to produce better quality herbal products that meet standards and penetrate the global market.
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