
Maleic Hydrazide Prompting Growth and Delaying Senescence of Mother Frond in S. Polyrriza 7498.

Jiahuan Wang,Tianyu Gao, Hong Hu,Ling Sun, Shaoqiang Ban, Xiaoyu Tan,Xiaoxue Li,Mingyue Zhu,Yana Tong,Yerong Zhu,Yong Wang

Journal of plant physiology(2023)

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The effect and function mechanism of maleic hydrazide on the growth of mature leaves is unclear. Duckweed is widely used as a model plant to study the effect of compounds on plant growth. The observation of section and ultrastructure of the fronds, the comparation of SOD enzyme activity and related-gene transcriptional expression level showed that 75 μg/mL maleic hydrazide could prompt the growth of the mother fronds in S. Polyrriza 7498. The half-mother fronds (without meristematic tissue, cut from the mother fronds) with little meristematic tissue could repair themselves and delay their senescence by 75 μg/mL MH. The mother fronds turned more greener with 50 μg/mL MH and exogenous 0.1 μmol/L 6-BA (a kind of cytokinin) treatment, as well as with the increasing of fresh and dry weight in S. Polyrriza 7498. RNA-Seq data found that the happy growth of the mother fronds caused by MH, was probably resulted from up-regulating the expression of gene related to the synthesis and signaling transduction of cytokinin in S. Polyrriza 7498. Which are responsible for the maintaining membrane system integrate and transport protein function. The work gives lights to the study of function mechanism of MH prompting mature leaves growth and delaying mature leaves senescence in plant. And it provides a strategy to increase biomass with the application of low concentration MH and 6-BA in the same time in agriculture.
Maleic hydrazide,Mother frond,Growth,Cytokinin,Senescence,Polyrriza 7498
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