
Efficient Hydrogen Production System with Complementary Utilization of Methane and Full-Spectrum Solar Energy

Energy conversion and management(2023)

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Solar hydrogen production by integration of photovoltaic cells (PV) and electrolytic water splitting offers the ability to simultaneously store intermittent solar energy and produce hydrogen. However, the solar-to-hydrogen efficiency is limited by the inability of PV cells to utilize solar energy in the long-wavelength spectrum. On the other hand, solar energy in the short-wavelength spectrum with high activation ability is underutilized in solar thermochemical methane steam reforming (MSR). To address these issues, this paper proposes a hydrogen production system that integrates electrolytic water splitting with a thermochemical MSR and employs a Rankine Cycle (RC) for balancing electricity and heat for water electrolysis. This system enables the efficient conversion of full-spectrum solar energy into hydrogen while minimizing the underutilization of high-grade solar energy. The thermodynamic and environmental performances of the proposed system are evaluated and compared with those of a reference system - a full-spectrum solar hydrogen production system without fossil fuels. Results show that the proposed system produces 2.21-2.71 times more hydrogen than the reference system when solar direct normal irradiance (DNI) ranges from 200-1000 W/m2. It exhibits higher energy efficiency, exergy efficiency, and solar-to-hydrogen efficiency than the reference system. Furthermore, the proposed system can reduce approximately 15.0 kg of CO2 emissions when producing 1 kg of hydrogen. This study provides a promising approach to efficiently using solar energy and fossil fuels for generating hydrogen.
Solar full spectrum utilization,Hydrogen production,Electrolytic water splitting,Methane steam reforming,Hybridization of solar energy and fossil fuels
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