Exploring the Profile of Cell Populations and Soluble Immunological Mediators in Bothrops atrox Envenomations.


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envenomations are common in the Brazilian Amazon. The venom of is highly inflammatory, which results in severe local complications, including the formation of blisters. Moreover, there is little information on the immune mechanisms associated with this condition. Thus, a longitudinal study was carried out to characterize the profile of the cell populations and soluble immunological mediators in the peripheral blood and blisters in patients s according to their clinical manifestations (mild and severe). A similar response in both patient groups (MILD and SEV) was observed, with an increase in inflammatory monocytes, NKT, and T and B cells, as well as CCL2, CCL5, CXCL9, CXCL10, IL-1β and IL-10, when compared with the group of healthy blood donors. After the administration of antivenom, the participation of patrolling monocytes and IL-10 in the MILD group was observed. In the SEV group, the participation of B cells was observed, with high levels of CCL2 and IL-6. In the blister exudate, a hyperinflammatory profile was observed. In conclusion, we revealed the involvement of cell populations and soluble mediators in the immune response to envenomation at the local and peripheral level, which is related to the onset and extent of the inflammation/clinical manifestation.
Bothrops snakebite,blister,cell populations,chemokines,cytokines,immune response
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