Kaizen: Practical Self-supervised Continual Learning with Continual Fine-tuning


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Self-supervised learning (SSL) has shown remarkable performance in computer vision tasks when trained offline. However, in a Continual Learning (CL) scenario where new data is introduced progressively, models still suffer from catastrophic forgetting. Retraining a model from scratch to adapt to newly generated data is time-consuming and inefficient. Previous approaches suggested re-purposing self-supervised objectives with knowledge distillation to mitigate forgetting across tasks, assuming that labels from all tasks are available during fine-tuning. In this paper, we generalize self-supervised continual learning in a practical setting where available labels can be leveraged in any step of the SSL process. With an increasing number of continual tasks, this offers more flexibility in the pre-training and fine-tuning phases. With Kaizen, we introduce a training architecture that is able to mitigate catastrophic forgetting for both the feature extractor and classifier with a carefully designed loss function. By using a set of comprehensive evaluation metrics reflecting different aspects of continual learning, we demonstrated that Kaizen significantly outperforms previous SSL models in competitive vision benchmarks, with up to 16.5 able to balance the trade-off between knowledge retention and learning from new data with an end-to-end model, paving the way for practical deployment of continual learning systems.
continual learning,self-supervised,fine-tuning
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