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DistriBayes: A Distributed Platform for Learning, Inference and Attribution on Large Scale Bayesian Network

Web Search and Data Mining(2023)

Cited 0|Views20
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To improve the marketing performance in the financial scenario, it is necessary to develop a trustworthy model to analyze and select promotion-sensitive customers. Bayesian Network (BN) is suitable for this task because of its interpretability and flexibility, but it usually suffers the exponentially growing computation complexity as the number of nodes grows. To tackle this problem, we present a comprehensive distributed platform named DistriBayes, which can efficiently learn, infer and attribute on a large-scale BN all-in-one platform. It implements several score-based structure learning methods, loopy belief propagation with backdoor adjustment for inference, and a carefully optimized search procedure for attribution. Leveraging the distributed cluster, DistriBayes can finish the learning and attribution on Bayesian Network with hundreds of nodes and millions of samples in hours.
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