FIR-SIMO channel order determination by invariant-signal-subspace matching.
Digit. Signal Process.(2023)
We present a novel and computationally simple solution to the problem of determining the order of finite impulse response (FIR) single-input multiple-output (SIMO) channel. The solution is applicable to ideal and realistic wireless channels, with both white and colored noise. It is based on a non-asymptotic goodness-of-fit metric, referred to as invariant-signal-subspace matching (ISSM), aimed at matching pairs of invariant-signal-subspaces, created by exploiting the shift-invariance property of the block-Toeplitz data matrix. A pair of projection matrices corresponding to these subspaces is created for every potential FIR-SIMO order, and the order is then determined as that for which this metric is minimized. Simulation results are included, demonstrating the performance of the proposed solution for both ideal and realistic channels, with both white and colored noise.(c) 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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FIR-SIMO channels, Channel order selection, Shift-invariance, Signal subspace matching
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