A New Approach Based on a Multi-Agent System for IDS in Cloud Computing.


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Cloud computing is a recent innovation in the IT industry that is expanding quickly. Furthermore, this technology is widely used to provide computation, data storage, and other resources remotely through the web on a pay-per-usage basis. It is now the favored option for any IT firm since it increases its capacity to satisfy the computing requirements of its everyday operations through scalability, mobility, and flexibility at a low price. But there are two key problems with cloud computing. The biggest issue is storage-related, and Google has addressed it by adding a new layer to the cloud dubbed “Big data as a service (BDaaS).” The second problem is security and privacy. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) has become the most widely utilized component of computer systems, security, and compliance processes, safeguarding network-accessible Cloud resources and services from various threats and assaults. This study examines IDS approaches in Cloud Computing and big data sets. To identify anomalous data in BDaaS, we also suggested a sensible intrusion detection system (SIDS) based on the autonomic system. The agent contributes the most to introducing more proprieties, particularly the autonomy element.
big data,intrusion detection system (IDS),intrusion prevention system (IPS),signature-based detection,anomaly-based detection,data mining,machine learning,network security
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