A 73.53TOPS/W 14.74TOPS Heterogeneous RRAM In-Memory and SRAM Near-Memory SoC for Hybrid Frame and Event-Based Target Tracking


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Vision-based high-speed target-identification and tracking is a critical application in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with wide military and commercial usage. Traditional frame cameras processed through convolutional neural networks (CNN) exhibit high target-identification accuracy but with low throughput (hence low tracking speed) and high power. On the other hand, event cameras or dynamic vision sensors (DVS) generate a stream of binary asynchronous events corresponding to the changing intensity of the pixels capturing high-speed temporal information, characteristic of high-speed tracking. Such event streams with high spatial sparsity processed with bio-mimetic spiking neural networks (SNN) provide low power consumption and high throughput. However, the accuracy of object detection using such event cameras and SNNs is limited. Thus, a frame pipeline with a CNN and an event pipeline with a SNN (Fig. 29.5.1) possess complementary strengths in capturing and processing the spatial and temporal details, respectively. Hence, a hybrid network that fuses frame data processed using a CNN pipeline with event data processed through an SNN pipeline provides a platform for high-speed, high-accuracy and low-power target-identification and tracking. To address this need, we present a fully-programmable heterogeneous ARM Cortex-based SoC with an in-memory low-power RRAM-based CNN and a near-memory high-speed SRAM-based SNN in a hybrid architecture with applications in high-speed target identification and tracking.
binary asynchronous events,bio-mimetic spiking neural networks,CNN pipeline,convolutional neural networks,critical application,dynamic vision sensors,event-based target,event-based target tracking,fully-programmable heterogeneous ARM Cortex-based SoC,fuses frame data,heterogeneous RRAM in-memory,high spatial sparsity,high target-identification accuracy,high-speed SRAM-based SNN,high-speed target identification,high-speed temporal information,high-speed tracking,hybrid frame,hybrid network,in-memory low-power RRAM-based CNN,low power consumption,low throughput,low tracking speed,low-power target-identification,near-memory SoC,object detection,SNN pipeline,SRAM near-memory SoC,traditional frame cameras,unmanned aerial vehicles,vision-based high-speed target-identification,wide military usage
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