
Figure S3. H1.3 suppresses H19 expression and cell growth in OV-90 and SK-OV-3 cells. from Histone H1.3 Suppresses <i>H19</i> Noncoding RNA Expression and Cell Growth of Ovarian Cancer Cells


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Figure S3. H1.3 suppresses H19 expression and cell growth in OV-90 and SK-OV-3 cells. A) Overexpression of H1.3 in OV-90 cells suppresses H19 expression and cell growth. B) Knockdown of H1.3 in SK-OV-3 cells augments H19 expression and cell growth. Ai, Bi) Reverse phase HPLC and mass spectrometry analysis of linker histone H1 variants in OV-90 cells (Ai) and SK-OV-3 cells (Bi). Insets: ESI-TOF mass spectrometry profiles of the indicated peak eluted from HPLC. Aii, Bii) Western blots of histone extracts (Aii) and whole cell lysates (Bii) from indicated cell lines using an anti-H1.3 antibody. Western blots using anti-H3 and anti-ACTIN antibodies were included as the loading controls. Aiii, Biii) Relative expression of the H19 mRNA transcript level in each indicated cell line analyzed by qRT-PCR. H19 expression unit was normalized over GAPDH, and H19 relative expression of each indicated cell line was normalized over respective OV-90 (Aiii) and SK-OV-3 (Biii) cells. Bar: SD. Overexpressed exogenous FLAG-H1 levels were analyzed by immunoblotting using an anti-FLAG antibody (Aiii middle). Equal loading of histone extracts is indicated by anti-H3 Western blots (Aiii lower). Aiv, Biv) Growth curves of indicated cells. Data are presented as mean {plus minus} SD. P<0.01 for OV-90 Vs.OV-90/H1.3. P<0.05 for SKOV-3 Vs. SKOV-3/shH1.3 and for SKOV-3/scramble Vs. SKOV-3/shH1.3.

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