desync-cc: A Research Tool for Automatically Applying Disassembly Desynchronization during Compilation

Science of Computer Programming(2023)

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Code obfuscation is an important topic, both in terms of defense, when trying to prevent intellectual property theft, and from the offensive point of view, when trying to break obfuscation used in malware. Several recent works have discussed techniques for preventing or delaying reverse engineering of binaries. While most works focus on methods that obscure program logic, the complimentary approach of disassembly desynchronization has received relatively little attention, despite being often used by, for example, malware authors. The technique puts another hurdle in the way of attackers by targeting the most fundamental step of the reverse-engineering process: recovering assembly code from a program binary. In the interest of furthering research into this kind of obfuscation, we present desync-cc, a tool for automatic application of disassembly desynchronization. To facilitate maximal ease-of-use, the tool is designed as a drop-in replacement for gcc, and works by intercepting and modifying intermediate assembly-code during compilation.
Disassembly desynchronization, Code obfuscation, Reverse engineering, x86 architecture
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