
Effect of the Vacancy Close to Heat Exchange Wall on the Heat Transfer Performance of the Solid Particles Steam Generator Using Waste Heat in a Methanol Steam Reforming Hydrogen Production System

International journal of hydrogen energy(2023)

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With the massive consumption of fossil fuels and it resulted in significant carbon emis-sions, it is urgent to find an alternative clean energy source. Hydrogen has been regarded as one of the most promising energy candidates for the next generation. It is a great approach that methane steam reforming for hydrogen production by rational utilization of industrial waste heat, which significantly minimizes carbon emissions and develops methanol steam reforming technology. A solid particle steam generator based on the primary heat ex-change method has been proposed, which can provide the heat and steam in the methanol steam reforming hydrogen production system. The quasi-two-dimensional packing heat transfer model of solid particles steam generator was set up. The effect of distance change between the vacancy and the cold wall and distance change between vacancies on heat transfer performance of the steam generator and hydrogen production capacity were studied. As the distance between the vacancy and the wall increases, the heat transfer performance of the steam generator gradually de-teriorates, so the steam production of the steam generator decreases, and the system's hydrogen production capacity is reduced, the maximum of the heat flux and the minimum of the apparent thermal resistance are 34.67 kW/m2 and 12.02 K/W, respectively. As the distance between vacancies increases, the heat transfer performance of the steam generator is gradually optimized slightly. To maintain the hydrogen production capacity, vacancies should be avoided to appear 2 layers of particles away from the heat exchange wall in the particles steam generator. From the results of the study, the farther the distance between vacancies, the better the steam production and hydrogen production capacity. (c) 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Vacancy,Hydrogen production,Methanol steam reforming,Solid particles steam generator,Waste heat,Heat transfer
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