RankXGB-Based Enterprise Credit Scoring by Electricity Consumption in Edge Computing Environment


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With the rapid development of the internet of things (IoT), electricity consumption data can be captured and recorded in the IoT cloud center. This provides a credible data source for enterprise credit scoring, which is one of the most vital elements during the financial decision-making process. Accordingly, this paper proposes to use deep learning to train an enterprise credit scoring model by inputting the electricity consumption data. Instead of predicting the credit rating, our method can generate an absolute credit score by a novel deep ranking model-ranking extreme gradient boosting net (rankXGB). To boost the performance, the rankXGB model combines several weak ranking models into a strong model. Due to the high computational cost and the vast amounts of data, we design an edge computing framework to reduce the latency of enterprise credit evaluation. Specially, we design a two-stage deep learning task architecture, including a cloud-based weak credit ranking and an edge-based credit score calculation. In the first stage, we send the electricity consumption data of the evaluated enterprise to the computing cloud server, where multiple weak-ranking networks are executed in parallel to produce multiple weak-ranking results. In the second stage, the edge device fuses multiple ranking results generated in the cloud server to produce a more reliable ranking result, which is used to calculate an absolute credit score by score normalization. The experiments demonstrate that our method can achieve accurate enterprise credit evaluation quickly.
Electricity consumption,enterprise credit scoring,edge computing,deep learning
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