
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science (MPEES): A Summary of MPEES-Related Activities in 2022

Measurement in physical education and exercise science(2023)

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Purpose: The purpose of this manuscript is to provide a summary of Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science (MPEES)-related activities in 2022. Manuscripts submitted: In 2022, original submissions (i.e., not counting revised manuscripts) decreased by similar to 21% as compared to 2021 when the number of original submissions was 464. However, the number of original submissions in 2022, 367, represented an increase of similar to 36% when compared to the average (similar to 269) over the previous 5 years (2017-2021). Forty-nine countries were represented across the 367 original manuscripts submitted to MPEES in 2022. MPEES continues to welcome high-quality submissions from around the world in 2023. Manuscripts submitted by section: The seven sections of MPEES are (1) exercise science, (2) physical activity, (3) physical education pedagogy, (4) psychology, (5) research methodology and statistics, (6) sport management and administration, and (7) tutorial and teacher's toolbox. The vast majority of manuscripts submitted to MPEES in 2022 were submitted to one of the four sections: exercise science or physical activity or research methodology and statistics or psychology. MPEES continues to welcome high-quality submissions within each of the seven sections that comprise the journal in 2023. Review process: Almost all the original manuscripts submitted to MPEES in 2022 received an initial decision by February 15, 2023 (i.e., 364 of the 367 manuscripts received). When an immediate decision (e.g., desk-rejection) was rendered by the editor-in-chief, it always (i.e., for 303 of 303 manuscripts) occurred within 10 days of receiving the manuscript. When a manuscript was assigned to a section editor by the editor-in-chief, it typically (i.e., for 57 of 61 manuscripts) received an initial decision within 90 days of receiving the manuscript. Nineteen countries were represented across reviewers for the original manuscripts sent out for external review by MPEES in 2022. We gratefully acknowledge, and list in the Appendix, the many scholars (N = 114) from around the world who served as a reviewer for MPEES in 2022. Manuscripts published: Volume 26 (i.e., the volume published in 2022) of MPEES published a total of 33 manuscripts. More than three-fourths of the published manuscripts were submitted to one of the three sections: exercise science or physical activity or research methodology and statistics. MPEES continues to strive for publishing high-quality manuscripts within each of the seven sections that comprise the journal in 2023. Sixteen countries were represented across the manuscripts published in Volume 26 of MPEES. MPEES continues to strive for publishing high-quality manuscripts written by one or more authors from around the world in 2023. Impact factor: The 2021 impact factor for MPEES was 1.98 representing a decrease of similar to 14% compared to 2020 when the journal's impact factor was 2.30. However, the 2021 impact factor for MPEES represented an increase of similar to 16% when compared to 2019 impact factor for MPEES (i.e., the first year MPEES received an impact factor). The value of the 2021 impact factor placed MPEES in the third quartile (i.e., ranked #173 out of 270 journals) within the Education & Educational Research category of Clarivate Analytics. The 2022 impact factor for MPEES is expected to be released in similar to June 2023.
measurement,physical education,exercise science
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