
Orogenic Au Deposits with Atypical Metal Association (cu, Co, Ni): Insights from the Pohjanmaa Belt, Western Finland

Ore geology reviews(2023)

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The Laivakangas Au-Cu metallogenic area is characterised by orogenic Au deposits with both Au-only and with atypical (Au +/- Cu, Co, Ni) metal associations. Here we study and compare four examples to better constrain the parameters controlling enrichment in base metals in addition to Au. We selected two typical Au-only deposits, the Laivakangas and the Huhta deposits and two orogenic Au deposits with atypical metal association, the Jouhineva Au-Cu-Co-Ag and the Kurula Au-Co deposits. All four deposits record multiple successive minerali-sation events with local variations in their respective metal association. Two auriferous mineralisation events are identified, (1) a ubiquitous As-Au-(Co, Ni) event close to peak metamorphism (620-430 degrees C) where Au occurs either as invisible Au in arsenides or as inclusion in arsenopyrite; (2) a later Cu(-Au)-rich sulfide event on the retrograde path where Au locally occurs as free, native grains along with chalcopyrite. From S isotope studies of the sulfide and sulfarsenide minerals and relations between the deposits and surrounding rocks, we propose that the variation in metal association of the ore fluid is linked to the diversity of lithologies involved in metamorphic fluid production. Multi-event hydrothermal mineralisation and relatively reduced redox conditions appear critical to increase the Au endowment in a deposit and to introduce atypical metals. Results of this study provide a new comprehension of the variability of metal association in orogenic Au deposits of the Laivakangas Au-Cu metallogenic area and elsewhere.
Orogenic gold,Pohjanmaa Belt,Cobalt,Atypical metal association,Finland
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