
Drought Timing Modulates Soil Moisture Thresholds for CO 2 Fluxes and Vegetation Responses in an Experimental Alpine Grassland


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Drought timing determines the degree to which dry events impact ecosystems, with the ability of key processes to withstand change differing between drought periods. Findings indicate that drought timing effects vary across ecosystems, with few studies focusing on alpine grasslands. We conducted a mesocosm experiment using small grassland monoliths collected in September from the high Alps and left to overwinter at 0 °C until the experiment began in lowland Italy under late-winter outdoor conditions. Together with watered controls, we imposed three different drought treatments (zero precipitation): (1) one-month early-drought immediately after simulated snowmelt; (2) one-month mid-drought a month after melt-out; and (3) continuous two-month drought across the entire experimental period. Ecosystem responses were assessed by measuring CO 2 fluxes, while vegetation responses were investigated by measuring aboveground net primary production (ANPP) of graminoids and forbs and post-harvest resprouting after one-month rehydration. We found that ecosystem respiration and gross ecosystem production (GEP) during the day were more negatively affected by mid-season drought compared to drought starting early in the season. By the end of treatments, GEP reduction under mid-season drought was similar to that of a continuous two-month drought. ANPP reduction was similar in early- and mid-drought treatments, showing a greater decrease under an enforced two-month period without precipitation. Plant resprouting, however, was only reduced in full- and mid-season drought pots, with forbs more negatively affected than graminoids. Seasonal soil moisture variation can account for these patterns: remaining winter moisture allowed almost full canopy development during the first month of the season, despite precipitation being withheld, while soil moisture depletion in the second month, resulting from higher temperatures and greater biomass, caused a collapse of gas exchange and diminished plant resprouting. Our data illustrates the importance of the timing of zero-precipitation periods for both plant and ecosystem responses in alpine grasslands.
Alpine ecosystems,ANPP,Climate extremes,Ecosystem respiration,Grasslands,Gross ecosystem production,Mesocosm,Resistance,Thresholds
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