Exploring the Mass and Redshift Dependencies of the Cluster Pressure Profile with Stacks on Thermal Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Maps

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series(2023)

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We provide novel constraints on the parameters defining the universal pressure profile (UPP) within clusters of galaxies, and explore their dependencies on cluster mass and redshift, from measurements of Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) Compton y- profiles. We employ both Planck 2015 MILCA and Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) Data Release 4 y -maps over a common ∼2100 deg ^2 footprint. We combine existing cluster catalogs, based on Kilo Degree Survey, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Legacy Imaging Surveys observations, for a total of 23,820 clusters, spanning the mass range 10 ^14.0 M _⊙ < M _500 < 10 ^15.1 M _⊙ and the redshift range 0.02 < z < 0.98. We split the clusters into three independent bins in mass and redshift; for each combination, we detect the stacked SZ cluster signal and extract the mean y angular profile. The latter is predicted theoretically by adopting a halo model framework, and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach is employed to estimate the UPP parameters, the hydrostatic mass bias b _h , and possible cluster miscentering effects. We constrain [ P _0 , c _500 , α , β ] to [5.9, 2.0, 1.8, 4.9] with Planck and to [3.8, 1.3, 1.0, 4.4] with ACT, using the full cluster sample, in agreement with previous findings. We do not find any compelling evidence for residual mass or redshift dependencies, thus expanding the validity of the cluster pressure profile over much larger M _500 and z ranges; this is the first time that the model has been tested on such a large (complete and representative) cluster sample. Finally, we obtain loose constraints on the hydrostatic mass bias in the range 0.2–0.3, again in broad agreement with previous works.
Galaxy clusters,Intracluster medium,Large-scale structure of the universe
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