
Study on the Effect of Cooling Rate on Crystallization Process and Product of [c12mim][bf4] Melt Based on POM, Raman and SAXS

Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis(2023)

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At present, ionic liquids' high production and use costs are limiting their large-scale applications, so how to recycle them has attracted great attention. Crystallization processes are extremely important for developing new recycling technologies for ionic liquids, and cooling rates have important effects on the crystallization processes. Based on these, in this paper, polarizing microscopy, small angle X-ray scattering and Raman spectroscopy were employed to research the phase transitions and the structural changes of 1-dodecy1-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([CI,mim][BF4]) from 60 to 0 V at the cooling rates of 30 and 1 C " min, in order to reveal the effect of cooling rates on the crystallization process and product. POM results show that [C12 Mini] BEi I experienced the phase transitions from the liquid state to liquid crystal state and then to crystal state I during the rapid cooling process, and that [C12 Mim] [BF] underwent the phase transitions from the liquid state to liquid crystal state and then to crystal state II during the slow cooling process. The crystal state I consisted of many "ball-like" crystals with large sizes, while the crystal state II was composed of a lot of "needle-like" crystals with small sizes. In addition, SAXS results show that [C12 Mini] [BE,] has two crystal structures, including perpendicular and triclinic bilayer phases. Both were found simultaneously in the crystal state I but only the triclinic bilayer phase appeared in the crystal state II. Therefore, crystal state I is a mixed phase crystal, while crystal state II is a single phase crystal. Furthermore, it can be concluded from the Raman results of [C12 Minl] BF4 that the [C12mim]+ in the perpendicular bilayer phase is the G conformation, and that the [C1.2mim]+ in the triclinic bilayer phase is the A conformation. In conclusion, [C1.2 [BE, I underwent the phase transitions from the liquid state to liquid crystal state and then to crystal state I at a rapid cooling process, and a mixed phase crystal composed of the perpendicular bilayer phase and the triclinic bilayer phase was obtained. However, [C12 Min]] BEi I underwent the phase transitions from the liquid state to liquid crystal state and then to crystal state II at a slow cooling, and a single phase crystal consisting of the triclinic bilayer phase was obtained. What is more, the mixed phase crystal includes the G conformation and the A conformation of [C12 Mini] while the single phase crystal only contains the A conformation. So, the cooling rate has an important effect on the crystallization process and product of [C12 Min]] BEi 1. These results provide important experimental data for enhancing the recovery technology of [C12 Mini] BF4 and are also helpful in investigating the phase transition and structure change of similar ionic liquids.
Ionic liquid,Crystallization,Crystal structure,Conformer
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