
Viral Bloodstream Detection in Mpox Patients: an Observational Multicentric Study.

The Journal of infection(2023)

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During the current Mpox global outbreak that began in May 2022, Li et al. investigated the presence and persistence of Mpox virus DNA in various clinical specimens, including 15 blood samples. 1 Li Z. Li X.X. Chen Y. Ruan Q. Huang X. Zhu G. et al. Persistence of monkeypox virus DNA in clinical specimens. J Infect. 2022; 85: 702-769 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF Scopus (6) Google Scholar In this study, we investigated the viral dynamics in the bloodstream and evaluated the clinical and virological status of viraemic mpox patients. This recent outbreak is sustained almost exclusively by human-to-human transmission, through sexual intercourse and contact with skin lesions. 2 Mpox. How it spreads. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 〈〉. [Accessed 16 March 2023]. Google Scholar After replication at the inoculation site, viral particles spread to the local lymph nodes. Through a viraemic phase, virions reach distant lymph nodes, tissues, and organs. This happens during the incubation period, which typically lasts from 7 to 14 days. As described by Moore et al., a secondary viraemic phase can be correlated to the prodromal stage, characterized by non-specific symptoms like fever and lymphadenopathy, and the following lesions onset. Thus, bloodstream dissemination might represent a fundamental step in mpox pathophysiology. 3 Moore M.J. Rathish B. Zahra F. Mpox (monkeypox) [updated 2022 nov 30]. in: StatPearls [internet]. StatPearls Publishing, Treasure Island, FL2022 Google Scholar
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