Structural stability and oxidation resistance of amorphous TaSi-based ternary alloy coatings

D.I. Snorrason,S.M. Adalsteinsson, T.K. Tryggvason, D. Dagbjartsson,A.S. Ingason,F. Magnus

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X(2023)

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Amorphous metal coatings have great potential for corrosion protection but finding alloy compositions which form a stable amorphous structure can be an overwhelming task. We use combinatorial magnetron sputtering and X-ray analysis to map out the phase space of TaSiM (M = Al, Cr, Fe, Ti) alloys in order to identify amorphous compositions. Atomic percentages of above 10–15 at.% of each constituent yield amorphous coatings in all four systems. TaSiAl coatings are stable when annealed in air up to and including 550 °C whereas TaSiFe, TaSiCr and TaSiTi remain amorphous up to and including 750 °C. In particular, Ta35Si15Cr50 is almost unchanged at that temperature, and has a stable surface oxide shell less than 20 nm in thickness at 650 °C. The stability of these materials at high temperatures means that they could be suitable as anti-corrosion coatings in high temperature applications.
Amorphous,Thin films,Metallic glass,Corrosion resistance,Crystallization temperature,Combinatorial
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