
IoT-Fog Computing Sustainable System for Smart Cities: A Queueing-based Approach

2023 1st International Conference on Advanced Innovations in Smart Cities (ICAISC)(2023)

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In the current scenarios there is a lot of development in the networking sector. Additionally needed are quick operations and the capability to solve complex issues. From several technical angles, IoT is being promoted to meet these developments. Implementations of IoT confront difficulties in handling such enormous volume of data including issues with its Quality of Services (QoS) necessities, privacy with security and the variety of networking elements. In smart cities, a vast volume of data is generated through IoT devices. They need to be processed near the edge devices due to latency issues, especially in the case of critical data-sensitive applications. Fog computing, a new technological paradigm, delivers a collection of networking essential services nearer to the client than cloud computing does. Fog computing overrides the cloud computing in the areas such as networking infrastructure scalability, latency reduction, network service dependability, and network device security. The technical approach to provide the highest degree of computing service has advanced by contributing cloud-assisted network services nearer to the end user/customer level. Fog servers can malfunction in a variety of circumstances. In this study, we describe the fog system as a machine-repair problem, where repair work is performed at a certain pace as soon as the Virtual Machine (VM) malfunctions. To analyze the system, numerous numerical analyses have been conducted.
smart cities,fog computing,VM breakdown,Queueing model,machine-repair problem
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