
Dual Wavelet Attention Networks for Image Classification.

IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology(2023)

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Global average pooling (GAP) plays an important role in traditional channel attention. However, there is the disadvantage of insufficient information to use the result of GAP as the channel scalar. At the same time, the existing spatial attention models focus on the areas of interest using average pooling or convolutional networks, but there is a loss of feature information and neglect of the structural feature. In this paper, dual wavelet attention is proposed, which can effectively alleviate the aforementioned problems and enhance the representation ability of CNNs. Firstly, the equivalence between the sum of the low-frequency subband coefficients of 2D DWT (Haar) and GAP is proved. On this basis, the statistical characteristics of low-frequency and high-frequency subbands are effectively combined to obtain the channel scalars, which can better measure the importance of each channel. In addition, 2D DWT can effectively capture the approximate and detailed structural features. Thus, wavelet spatial attention is proposed, which can effectively focus on the key spatial structural features. Different from traditional spatial attention, it can better curve the structural and spatial attention for different channels. The experiments are verified on four natural image data sets and three remote sensing scene classification data sets, which shows the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed methods. The code of this paper will be available at .
Wavelet transforms,Discrete wavelet transforms,Feature extraction,Discrete cosine transforms,Wavelet domain,Image coding,Visualization,Attention mechanism,2D DWT,dual wavelet attention,wavelet channel attention,wavelet spatial attention
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