Development, acceptability, and perceived effectiveness of a trauma-informed adolescent self-regulation intervention.

Aaron Plant, Joann Schladale,Deborah Neffa-Creech, Noor Qaragholi, Melissa Miller,Jorge Montoya

Evaluation and program planning(2023)

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Youth who have experienced trauma often face challenges with self-regulation and can have diminished health outcomes, including those related to sexual and reproductive health. We developed a 12-session blended e-learning intervention for youth involved in juvenile justice systems to encourage healthy sexual decision-making by improving self-regulation skills. This paper describes the development of the program, e-Practice Self-Regulation, as well as an assessment of program acceptability and perceived effectiveness among youth participants. Data were collected using a feedback survey from youth who both completed (n = 95) and did not complete (n = 80) the intervention. Program acceptability was high among all participants, and over 70 % of both completers and non-completers would recommend e-Practice Self-Regulation to peers. Youth reported positive interactions with facilitators and described sessions as helpful, interesting, and educational. The most common criticism was online session length. A majority in both groups reported perceived effectiveness related to sexual health and self-regulation, which increased with more sessions completed. Results suggest e-Practice Self-Regulation is acceptable to youth participants, who reported learning skills necessary for self-regulation and sexual health and intended to use these skills to avoid unplanned pregnancy.
Adolescent health,Blended learning,E-learning,Evaluation,Program planning,Reproductive health,Sexual health
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