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An Improved Key Management System - DES Ultimate v1.1

2023 International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application (ICIDCA)(2023)

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Significance of cryptographic encryption-decryption algorithms is well understood i.e. paramount objective is not only limited to build the secure system but also the efficient one too. The iterative structures behind various block-ciphers are very much popular and used in various software/hardware implementations to preserve the confidentiality, integrity of data, due to its ruthless nature against linear and differential cryptanalysis. Even though these popular structures are strong enough to shield against attacks, but still have certain vulnerabilities viz. week/single-key to be used, lack of randomization, identical nature of key management systems etc., which somehow provide backdoors to adversaries. This research work intends to address above mentioned flaws specifically by introducing contemporary key-management system to deduce a set of secret keys that has to be used during encryption-decryption process. The proposed enhanced version of DES not only makes it difficult for adversaries to succeed in attacks but also focuses on the efficiency of the implementation. The 16*16 s-box is used in proposed construction instead of 8/32 s-box due to the vulnerabilities in these implementations.
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Algorithm,Cipher,Confidentiality,Confusion,Diffusion,Encryption,Exclusive-Or,Decryption,Self-Invertible Matrix,Integrity,Permutation,Round,Secret-Key,Security,Substitution Box (s-box)
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