
Ten Years' Trend Analysis for Taiwanese Youth High School Students’ Health Behaviors

Yu-Sheng Lu, Yu-Rui Wu,Yih-Ru Cheng,Chin-Hao Chang,Chyi-Feng Jan

Journal of the Formosan Medical Association(2023)

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Purpose: To delineate the 10 years' trend regarding Taiwanese adolescents' health perspec-tives and compare the differences of six adolescent health aspects between Taiwan and the U.S. Methods: The anonymous structured questionnaire was done every other year with represen-tative sampling methods as Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System in the United States. Twenty-one questions from six health aspects were extracted for further analysis. Multivariate regression analysis was performed to delineate the relationship among protective factors and risk-taking behaviors, respectively. Results: Overall, 22,419 adolescents were recruited. There were decreasing trend in terms of risk-taking behaviors, such as early contact to pornography (< age 16) (70.6%-60.9%), early cigarette use (< age 13) (20.7%-14.0%), and seriously considering suicide (36.0%-17.8%). There was an increasing trend in behaviors harmful to health: current alcohol drinkers (18.9%-23.4%), and staying up late every day (15.2%-18.5%). Multivariate regression analysis after adjusting gender and grade; it disclosed an increasing trend in protective assets, such as having multiple intimate friends (75.8%-79.3%), satisfaction to body weight and body shape (31.5%-36.1% and 34.5%-40.7%), as well as always wearing a helmet while riding a bike (1.8%-3.0%). Conclusion: We should continuously monitor the health status trend of the adolescents to pro-vide them with a healthier environment and well-being.Copyright 2023, Formosan Medical Association. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Adolescence,Youth,Adolescent health,Risk-taking behaviors,Taiwan
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