Liver Transplantation 2023: Status Report, Current and Future Challenges.

Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association(2023)

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Liver transplantation offers live-saving therapy for patients with complications of cirrhosis and stage T2 hepatocellular carcinoma. The demand for organs far-outstrips the supply and innovations aimed at increasing the number of usable deceased donors as well as alternative donor sources are a major focus. The etiologies of cirrhosis are shifting over time, with more need for transplantation among patients with alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD) and non-alcoholic/metabolic fatty liver (NAFLD) and less for viral hepatitis, though hepatitis B remains an important indication for transplant in countries with high endemicity. The rise in transplantation for ALD and NAFLD has brought attention to how patients are selected for transplantation and the strategies needed to prevent recurrent disease. In this review, we present a status report on the most pressing topics in liver transplantation and future challenges.
Alcohol-associated Liver Disease,Alcoholic Hepatitis,Allocation,Equity,Extended Criteria Donor,Fatty Liver,Hepatitis B,Hepatitis C,Liver Cancer,Machine Perfusion,MELD,Xenotransplantation
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