OSP2B: one-stage point-to-box network for 3D siamese tracking

IJCAI 2023(2023)

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Two-stage point-to-box network acts as a critical role in the recent popular 3D Siamese tracking paradigm, which first generates proposals and then predicts corresponding proposal-wise scores. However, such a network suffers from tedious hyper-parameter tuning and task misalignment, limiting the tracking performance. Towards these concerns, we propose a simple yet effective one-stage point-to-box network for point cloud-based 3D single object tracking. It synchronizes 3D proposal generation and center-ness score prediction by a parallel predictor without tedious hyper-parameters. To guide a task-aligned score ranking of proposals, a center-aware focal loss is proposed to supervise the training of the center-ness branch, which enhances the network's discriminative ability to distinguish proposals of different quality. Besides, we design a binary target classifier to identify target-relevant points. By integrating the derived classification scores with the center-ness scores, the resulting network can effectively suppress interference proposals and further mitigate task misalignment. Finally, we present a novel one-stage Siamese tracker OSP2B equipped with the designed network. Extensive experiments on challenging benchmarks including KITTI and Waymo SOT Dataset show that our OSP2B achieves leading performance with a considerable real-time speed.
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