Leukocyte Depletion and Size-Based Enrichment of Circulating Tumor Cells Using a Pressure-Sensing Microfiltration Device

ACS measurement science au(2023)

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Considering the challenges in isolating circulating tumor cells (CTCs) pertaining to cellular stress and purity, we report the application of a blood microfiltration device as an optimal approach for noninvasive liquid biopsy to target CTCs. We experimentally analyzed the filtration behavior of the microfilter using pressure sensing to separate tumor cells from leukocytes in whole blood. This approach achieved an average recovery of >96% of the spiked tumor cells and depletion of >99% of total leukocytes. Furthermore, we carried out genomic profiling of the CTCs using the blood microfiltration device. The method was also applied in a clinical setting; DNA amplification was performed using a small number of microfiltered CTCs and epidermal growth factor receptor mutations were successfully detected to characterize the efficacy of molecularly targeted drugs against lung cancer. Overall, the proposed method can provide a tool for evaluating efficient filtration pressure to concentrate CTCs from whole blood.
microfiltration, circulating tumor cells, pressure sensing, epidermal growth factor receptor, lung cancer
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