
Characteristics of Ionic and Carbonaceous Constituents of PM2.5 Collected Near the Industrial Complexes and Charcoal Manufacturing Facility in Wonju, Korea

Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment(2023)

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In this study, PM2.5 samples were collected at two sampling sites near the Munmak industrial complex and a charcoal kiln, and their ionic and carbonaceous constituents were measured. Average PM2.5 concentrations were 21.8 & PLUSMN;13.1 & mu;g/m3 and 39.7 & PLUSMN;24.0 & mu;g/m3 at the sites near the industrial complex and the charcoal klin, respectively. At the charcoal kiln site, organic carbon (OC) contributed 50.6% to PM2.5 mass and there was a significant correlation between PM2.5 and OC, indicating that PM2.5 concentration was greatly influenced by OC. The influence of charchol kiln on EC was much lower than on OC; therefore, a very high OC/EC ratio was observed. On the other hand, the contribution of ionic constituents (including NO3-, SO42-, and NH4+) for PM2.5 was much higher at the sampling site near the industrial complex than at the charcol kiln site. With the southwesterly winds blown from the industrial complex, the concentrations of PM2.5 and ionic components significantly increased. Correlation of OC concentrations between two sampling sites was not significant, but the correlation coefficients of ionic components between two sampling sites were very high. These results suggest that OC was influenced by local sources (charcoal kiln or industrial complex) but the ionic components were considered to be more influenced by medium-or long range transport than by local emission source.
PM2,5,Industrial complexes,Charcoal kiln,Ionic constituents,Carbonaceous constituents
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