Integrating Religion and Spirituality into Psychiatric Outpatient Treatment in the United States

Journal of religion and health(2023)

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It is common for mental health clients to desire that religion and spirituality (RS) be integrated into their treatment. Despite this preference, clients’ RS beliefs often go overlooked in therapy for a variety of reasons including lack of provider training on integration, fear of causing offense, or concerns about wrongly influencing clients. The present study assessed the effectiveness of using a psychospiritual therapeutic curriculum to integrate RS into psychiatric outpatient treatment for highly religious clients ( n = 150) seeking services through a faith-based clinic. The curriculum was well accepted by both clinicians and clients, and a comparison of clinical assessments administered at intake and program exit (clients averaged 6.5 months in the program) showed significant improvement across a broad range of psychiatric symptoms. These results suggest the use of a religiously integrated curriculum within a broader psychiatric treatment program is beneficial and may be a way to overcome clinicians’ RS concerns and shortcomings while meeting religious clients’ desires for inclusion.
Christianity,Cognitive behavioral therapy,Psychotherapy,Religious/spiritual integration,Serious mental illness
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