Dysregulated cellular redox status during hyperammonemia causes mitochondrial dysfunction and senescence by inhibiting sirtuin-mediated deacetylation.

Aging cell(2023)

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Perturbed metabolism of ammonia, an endogenous cytotoxin, causes mitochondrial dysfunction, reduced NAD /NADH (redox) ratio, and postmitotic senescence. Sirtuins are NAD -dependent deacetylases that delay senescence. In multiomics analyses, NAD metabolism and sirtuin pathways are enriched during hyperammonemia. Consistently, NAD -dependent Sirtuin3 (Sirt3) expression and deacetylase activity were decreased, and protein acetylation was increased in human and murine skeletal muscle/myotubes. Global acetylomics and subcellular fractions from myotubes showed hyperammonemia-induced hyperacetylation of cellular signaling and mitochondrial proteins. We dissected the mechanisms and consequences of hyperammonemia-induced NAD metabolism by complementary genetic and chemical approaches. Hyperammonemia inhibited electron transport chain components, specifically complex I that oxidizes NADH to NAD , that resulted in lower redox ratio. Ammonia also caused mitochondrial oxidative dysfunction, lower mitochondrial NAD -sensor Sirt3, protein hyperacetylation, and postmitotic senescence. Mitochondrial-targeted Lactobacillus brevis NADH oxidase (MitoLbNOX), but not NAD+ precursor nicotinamide riboside, reversed ammonia-induced oxidative dysfunction, electron transport chain supercomplex disassembly, lower ATP and NAD content, protein hyperacetylation, Sirt3 dysfunction and postmitotic senescence in myotubes. Even though Sirt3 overexpression reversed ammonia-induced hyperacetylation, lower redox status or mitochondrial oxidative dysfunction were not reversed. These data show that acetylation is a consequence of, but is not the mechanism of, lower redox status or oxidative dysfunction during hyperammonemia. Targeting NADH oxidation is a potential approach to reverse and potentially prevent ammonia-induced postmitotic senescence in skeletal muscle. Since dysregulated ammonia metabolism occurs with aging, and NAD biosynthesis is reduced in sarcopenia, our studies provide a biochemical basis for cellular senescence and have relevance in multiple tissues.
acetylation,human inducible pluripotent stem cells,mitochondria,multiomics,redox,sirtuin,skeletal muscle,systems biology
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