[Treatment recommendation and care in traumatic rupture of the spleen].

Chirurgie (Heidelberg, Germany)(2023)

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The spleen is the most frequently affected organ in blunt abdominal trauma. Initial diagnostics include the physical examination, laboratory blood controls and ultrasound. Furthermore, a triphasic dynamic contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan is indicated. Apart from the imaging-based classification of the injury with consideration of vascular alterations and active bleeding, the hemodynamic condition of the patient is a crucial factor. For patients who are hemodynamically stable or can be stabilized, a nonoperative management with a minimum of 24 h of continuous monitoring, regular blood controls of the hemoglobin level as well as ultrasound follow-up should be given precedence. In cases of active bleeding or pathological vascular alterations, a radiological intervention in the sense of an embolization should be initiated. A hemodynamically unstable patient must immediately undergo surgical treatment, during which a spleen-preserving approach via splenorrhaphy should principally be favored over splenectomy. This also applies to patients where the intervention has failed. To prevent severe infections after splenectomy it is advised to vaccinate against Pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae type B and Meningococcus as well as the annual seasonal influenza vaccination according to the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) recommendations.
Blunt abdominal trauma,Embolization,Hemorrhagic shock,Spleen injury,Splenectomy
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