
Predicting the Activity of Oral Lichen Planus with Glycolysis-related Molecules: A Scikit-learn-based Function

Current medical science(2023)

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Objective Oral lichen planus (OLP) is one of the most common oral mucosa diseases, and is mainly mediated by T lymphocytes. The metabolic reprogramming of activated T cells has been shown to transform from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis. The present study investigated the serum levels of glycolysis-related molecules (lactate dehydrogenase, LDH; pyruvic acid, PA; lactic acid, LAC) in OLP, and the correlation with OLP activity was assessed using the reticular, atrophic and erosive lesion (RAE) scoring system. Methods Univariate and multivariate linear regression functions based on scikit-learn were designed to predict the RAE scores in OLP patients, and the performance of these two machine learning functions was compared. Results The results revealed that the serum levels of PA and LAC were upregulated in erosive OLP (EOLP) patients, when compared to healthy volunteers. Furthermore, the LDH and LAC levels were significantly higher in the EOLP group than in the nonerosive OLP (NEOLP) group. All glycolysis-related molecules were positively correlated to the RAE scores. Among these, LAC had a strong correlation. The univariate function that involved the LAC level and the multivariate function that involved all glycolysis-related molecules presented comparable prediction accuracy and stability, but the latter was more time-consuming. Conclusion It can be concluded that the serum LAC level can be a user-friendly biomarker to monitor the OLP activity, based on the univariate function developed in the present study. The intervention of the glycolytic pathway may provide a potential therapeutic strategy.
oral lichen planus,glycolysis,lactic acid,linear regression,machine learning
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