
Provenance-Preserving Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows for Hybrid Quantum Algorithms

SN Computer Science/SN computer science(2023)

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Quantum applications are hybrid, i.e., they comprise quantum and classical programs, which must be orchestrated. Workflows are a proven solution for orchestrating heterogeneous programs while providing benefits, such as robustness or scalability. However, the orchestration using workflows can be inefficient for some quantum algorithms, requiring the execution of quantum and classical programs in a loop. Hybrid runtimes are offered to efficiently execute these algorithms. For this, the quantum and classical programs are combined in a single hybrid program, for which the execution is optimized. However, this leads to a conceptual gap between the modeling benefits of workflow technologies, e.g., modularization, reuse, and understandability, and the efficiency improvements when using hybrid runtimes. To close this gap, we introduce a method to model all tasks explicitly in the workflow model and analyze the workflow to detect parts of the workflow that can benefit from hybrid runtimes. Furthermore, corresponding hybrid programs are automatically generated based on the quantum and classical programs, and the workflow is rewritten to invoke them. To ease the live monitoring and later analysis of workflow executions, we integrate process views into our method and collect related provenance data. Thus, the user can visualize and monitor the workflow in the original and rewritten form within the workflow engine. The practical feasibility of our approach is validated by a prototypical implementation, a case study, and a runtime evaluation.
Quantum computing,Hybrid algorithms,Quantum workflows,Workflow rewrite,Hybrid runtimes,Process views
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