Integration of EEG and Eye Tracking Technology: A Systematic Review

Suhaima Jamal,Meenalosini Vimal Cruz, Sibi Chakravarthy, Camden Wahl,Hayden Wimmer

SoutheastCon 2023(2023)

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Electroencephalography, or EEG, measures brain signals and activities using small electrodes which read electrical activity in the brain. For understanding cognitive patterns and diagnosing any abnormalities in the brain, this is a widely used test. Eye-tracking, on the other side, is the measurement of gaze or eye movements which is being utilized in research and investigation to decode human behaviors. Combining the features of EEG and eye-tracking activities would provide helpful insight into understanding a human's cognitive behavioral process. An array of highly sophisticated experiments was conducted with the combination of both features. This paper will traverse previous studies and research integrating EEG and eye-tracking and prepare a taxonomy of the implementations in several prominent fields. Further, it unravels the current challenges and limitations of working in these areas and proposes enhancements to be considered in future research. This review work will assist as a consensus of the current state of knowledge in the future new research directions in exploring the integration of EEG and eye-tracking technology.
Electroencephalography,EEG,eye tracking,cognitive processing,attention,machine learning
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