Flexitraits, Natural Chemical Tracers of Plant Competition and Productivity in Pacific Mangroves


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Metabolomic and genomic markers in plants have helped diagnose evolutionary pressures and resulting modern-day floristic diversification. Here we use a different set of metrics, 17 biochemical measures made at the whole tissue or bulk tissue level, to study diversification in resource use and productivity among Pacific mangroves. Three mangrove species Bruguiera gynmorhiza (BRGY), Rhizphora apiculata (RHAP), and Sonneratia alba (SOAL) were studied across 5 sites on the island of Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia with measurements of the following chemical metrics: C, N, P, K, Na, Mg, Ca, B, S, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn elements and isotope values δ 2 H, δ 13 C, δ 15 N, and δ 34 S. Species were remarkably distinct in chemical profiles, showing significant differences across all metrics. This indicated long-term resource use partitioning and optimization, with metrics showing physiology and patch-related differences. The patch-related differences meant that metrics were not really fixed in species, but represented flexible traits (“flexitraits”) in fingerprinting mangrove ecology. Effects of tree harvesting could be fingerprinted with the metrics at one of the Kosrae sites. Modeling showed two results. (1) Conservation efforts to preserve low-nutrient specialists like BRGY probably should involve removal of competing SOAL and RHAP rather than nutrient reductions. (2) Although mangrove growth rates were most limited by P, water was a strongly co-limiting factor. This study introduces a new physiological parameter to plant ecology, a water-to-phosphorus ratio, “normalized δ 13 C/P” or “f 13C /P”, that should generally help diagnose how plant N and P nutrient use can be co-limited by water.
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