
A Neural Network-based Cloud Mask for PREFIRE and Evaluation with Simulated Observations

Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology(2023)

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The Polar Radiant Energy in the Far Infrared Experiment (PREFIRE) will fill a gap in our understanding of polar processes and the polar climate by offering widespread, spectrally resolved measurements through the far-infrared (FIR) with two identical CubeSat spacecraft. While the polar regions are typically difficult for skillful cloud identification due to cold surface temperatures, the reflection by bright surfaces, and frequent temperature inversions, the inclusion of the FIR may offer increased spectral sensitivity, allowing for the detection of even thin ice clouds. This study assesses the potential skill, as well as limitations, of a neural network (NN)-based cloud mask using simulated spectra mimicking what the PREFIRE mission will capture. Analysis focuses on the polar regions. Clouds are found to be detected approximately 90% of time using the derived neural network. The NN's assigned confidence for whether a scene is "clear" or "cloudy" proves to be a skillful way in which quality flags can be attached to predictions. Clouds with higher cloud-top heights are typically more easily detected. Low-altitude clouds over polar surfaces, which are the most difficult for the NN to detect, are still detected over 80% of the time. The FIR portion of the spectrum is found to increase the detection of clear scenes and increase mid-to high-altitude cloud detection. Cloud detection skill improves through the use of the overlapping fields of view produced by the PREFIRE instrument's sampling strategy. Overlapping fields of view increase accuracy relative to the baseline NN while simultaneously predicting on a sub-FOV scale.
Cloud retrieval,Remote sensing,Satellite observations,Deep learning,Neural networks
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