
Cucumis Sativus PHLOEM PROTEIN 2-A1 Like Gene Positively Regulates Salt Stress Tolerance in Cucumber Seedlings

Plant molecular biology(2023)

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PHLOEM PROTEIN 2-A1 like ( PP2-A1 ) gene is a member of the PP2 multigene family, and the protein encoded by which has the function of stress defense. Based on our previous proteomic study of cucumber phloem sap, CsPP2-A1 protein expression was significantly enriched under salt stress. In this paper, we obtained CsPP2-A1 interfering ( CsPP2-A1 -RNAi) cucumber by Agrobacterium tumefaciens -mediated method. The phenotypic changes of wild-type (WT) cucumber, CsPP2-A1 -overexpressing (OE) cucumber, and CsPP2-A1 -RNAi cucumber under salt treatment were observed and compared. Furthermore, physiological indicators were measured in four aspects: osmoregulation, membrane permeability, antioxidant system, and photosynthetic system. The analysis of contribution and correlation for each variable were conducted by principal component analysis (PCA) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The above results showed that CsPP2-A1 -RNAi cucumber plants exhibited weaker salt tolerance compared to WT cucumber and CsPP2-A1 -OE cucumber plants in terms of phenotype and physiological indicators in response to salt stress, while CsPP2-A1 -OE cucumber always showed the robust salt tolerance. Together, these results indicated that CsPP2-A1 brought a salinity tolerance ability to cucumber through osmoregulation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis. The results of the study provided evidence for the function of CsPP2-A1 in plant salt tolerance enhancement, and they will serve as a reference for future salt-tolerant cucumber genetic manipulation.
Cucumis sativus,CsPP2-A1,Salt stress,Physiological mechanism
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