Knowledge and sense of territorial belonging as indicators of social capital in a city with a mineral-based economy in the Brazilian Amazon


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This work evaluates the degree of knowledge of the population of Parauapebas - the largest mining municipality in the state of Para - about receiving the Financial Compensation for the exploitation of mineral resources (CFEM) and about the mandatory environmental compensation to be developed by mining companies, in addition to capture the degree of territorial belonging of the population of the city. The proposal is to confirm the hypothesis that the inhabitants of the city, despite the high degree of economic dependence on mining, still do not know the legal aspects inherent to the activity and have a low degree of territorial belonging. For this, two surveys were carried out: one with 1000 and the other with 1024 inhabitants of the city to generate two indicators referring to knowledge about mining and territorial belonging. It has been proven that the population of Parauapebas has, for the most part, a low degree of knowledge about the legal aspects of receiving CFEM and environmental compensation, as well as a low degree of engagement of the population in activities related to the management and care of the municipality, such as such as public hearings and participation in elections. This shows a low degree of belonging to the city and these two problems reflect on the formation of social capital, since the panorama is of a population of a mining municipality that does not understand about mining and that manifests little in terms of civic participation in the management of the city. City.
Factor Analysis, Social Capital, CFEM, Civic Participation
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