Community-based N95 distribution during the COVID-19 Omicron BA.1 surge: feasibility, 1-month utilization, and price implications


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When given free high-quality N95 masks during the COVID-19 Omicron BA.1 surge, community members utilized them at a high rate, felt safer, discussed N95s with others, planned to buy more, and reported cost as a critical barrier to sustained utilization. Lay Summary Masks are a part of a comprehensive approach to reducing the burden of COVID-19 surges. High-quality masks, called N95 masks in the USA, provide better protection than cloth or blue procedure masks. Most people have not used N95s due to a lack of familiarity or cost. We tested a program to distribute N95s to the community during a COVID-19 surge. Specifically, we gave 2,500 N95s to 500 adults in 5-packs with informational handouts during the COVID-19 Omicron BA.1 surge in New Orleans, Louisiana. We requested recipients complete a 1-month follow-up survey. Overall, we were successful in distributing all 2,500 N95s during the peak of the winter 2021-2022 surge. By 1-month follow-up, nearly all recipients had tried an N95 and had used nearly 70% of the total given. They felt safer, discussed the masks with others, and would wear them again if free. Cost was a key barrier to using N95s in the future. After our study, the USA federal government implemented a program to distribute free N95s, but there are no policy plans to distribute free N95s during future winter surges or in response to vaccine-evading variants. Free N95 distribution programs would be popular and reduce the burden of COVID-19. Masks and other non-pharmaceutical interventions can complement vaccines and treatments as a part of multilayered mitigation to reduce the burden of COVID-19 in high-risk settings like surges. Although N95s provide greater protection than cloth and procedure masks against airborne infectious illnesses, few people used N95s historically, potentially due to lack of familiarity and cost. The study was designed to examine the feasibility of distributing N95s during a COVID-19 surge. A follow-up survey summarized mask behavior. The investigators aimed to distribute 2,500 N95s to 500 adults in 5-packs with informational handouts at community locations during the COVID-19 Omicron BA.1 surge in New Orleans, Louisiana. A 1-month follow-up survey assessed utilization, safety perceptions, social diffusion of awareness of N95s, and purchase intentions. The investigators successfully distributed all 2,500 N95s during the peak of the BA.1 surge (December 13, 2021 to January 17, 2022). At 1-month follow-up, 96.7% of participants had tried an N95. They utilized an average of 3.42 (68.4%) of the five N95s, felt safer wearing N95s (Ps < 0.0001), discussed N95s with others (80.4%), and would wear N95s again if free (87.9%). Future utilization intentions were price sensitive. Communities will readily use public health tools like N95s when at risk and offered for free with useful information. Cost was identified as a key barrier to sustained utilization. Findings have immediate public policy implications for reducing national, regional, and organizational surges. The research provides an illustrative example of the importance of behavioral science in responding to public health crises.
COVID-19, Personal protective equipment, Health policy, Utilization, Cost, Pandemics
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