Enhanced Hybrid Symmetric Cryptography for IoT Devices

Aakar Srivastava, Himanshu Pandey, Arun Kumar,Minakshi Poonia

2022 IEEE Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI)(2022)

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IoT has a lot of applications in various domains. The uses of IoT gadgets include different fields from more limited sizes to bigger ones, for example, from keen Gird to keen City. The security and protection in the Internet of things (IoT) has stayed a genuine worry because of the heterogeneous idea of enormous scope of gadgets and its weaknesses in the working environments. IoT gadgets normally run on less computational assets and restricted battery power. Therefore typically top of the line algorithms like TLS/SSL and RSA, which are broadly utilized for security purposes can't be executed. This is primarily because these standard encryption techniques are computationally expensive and not attainable with regards to financial parts of IoT. This paper portrays a novel hybrid encryption technique. The combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption is applied here to ensure maximum efficiency and security. Moreover, randomness of both the techniques are immensely enhanced with the assistance of a matrix which each time produces another key for encryption and decryption, making it totally immune to brute-force attacks.
IoT,Cryptography,RSA,Encryption,Public key,Private key,Cipher
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