
Bio-Physico Characterization of Poly-3-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB) Produced from an Organic Pollutant Utilizer Bacillus subtilis subsp.subtilis DJ9192

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences(2022)

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In the existing research, Phenol, an organic pollutant, was designated for substrate consumption and production into Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) using the Bacillus subtilis subsp.subtilis DJ9192 species, isolated from sewage treatment plant. This organism displayed growth on Phenol, which is a toxic carcinogenic & mutagenic organic compound that was studied for 48 h. The utilization pattern of phenol organic compound at 100 mg/l concentration was analyzed using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The strain showed potent PHB production of 2.00 g/l after 48 h. The results confirm that this bacterial strain can alter or reduce organic Phenol and produce intermediate products. The identification of functional groups & structural elucidation of PHB confirms by the FTIR technique, 1H & 13C NMR technique. The extracted PHB component shows FTIR peak in the range of 1000 cm−1 to 2739 cm−1. Thermal Gravimetric analysis favors that at 100ºc PHB retains its capacity up to 99.309% and at 1000ºc up to 23.232%. The Differential Scanning Colorimetric (DSC) analysis at 500ºc and 1000ºc respectively signify a chemical transition peak at 151.860 C & 256.430 at 500ºc and a peak at 157.08ºc & 260.19ºc at 1000ºc. The mass spectrum of granules was derived from Mass Spectroscopy analysis. The crystallographic structural confirmation of PHB was done by x-ray diffraction analysis shows the distinctive peak positions in the ranges of 2θ of 8.60 to 56.40. This research discloses the phenol utilization and polyhydroxy butyrate production by B. subtilis subsp.subtilis DJ9192 which can be used as an effective microbial polyester and functional as an alternative to synthetic plastic.
Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB),Bacillus subtilis subsp.subtilis DJ9192,Phenol,aromatic compound utilization
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