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Learning to Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge for Image Processing Pipelines Optimization

CVPR 2023(2023)

Cited 0|Views34
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The hardware image signal processing (ISP) pipeline is the intermediate layer between the imaging sensor and the downstream application, processing the sensor signal into an RGB image. The ISP is less programmable and consists of a series of processing modules. Each processing module handles a subtask and contains a set of tunable hyperparameters. A large number of hyperparameters form a complex mapping with the ISP output. The industry typically relies on manual and time-consuming hyperparameter tuning by image experts, biased towards human perception. Recently, several automatic ISP hyperparameter optimization methods using downstream evaluation metrics come into sight. However, existing methods for ISP tuning treat the high-dimensional parameter space as a global space for optimization and prediction all at once without inducing the structure knowledge of ISP. To this end, we propose a sequential ISP hyperparameter prediction framework that utilizes the sequential relationship within ISP modules and the similarity among parameters to guide the model sequence process. We validate the proposed method on object detection, image segmentation, and image quality tasks.
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