Incorporating Unlikely Negative Cues for Distinctive Image Captioning

IJCAI 2023(2023)

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Recent neural image captioning models have achieved promising results on some automatic metrics, yet suffer badly from the generic sentence problem, limiting their applications to a few toy scenarios. An interesting approach, namely negative training, has been proposed to remind the model not to generate a high-frequency while meaningless sentence. However, its usability in image captioning is hindered by one issue, only considering frequency perspective will ignore the low-frequency but generic and vague sentences, especially facing diversified visual scenes. In this paper, we propose to incorporate unlikely \emph{negative} knowledge into image captioning, to keep the model away from undesirable generic descriptions while avoiding the above problems. Specifically, we first train a negative teacher model that can produce image-wise generic sentences with retrieval entropy-filtered data, and then the student model is required to maximize the distance with multi-level negative knowledge transferring. Empirical results on the MS COCO benchmark verify that our plug-and-play unlikely negative framework shows a significant performance gain in both accuracy and diversity, compared to previous state-of-the-art distinctive image captioning methods.
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