
Anthropogenic forcing and Pacific internal variability-determined decadal increase in summer precipitation over the Asian water tower

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science(2023)

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The increased precipitation in the Asian water tower has prompted the abrupt lake expansion and increased runoff, significantly reshaping the water resource redistribution in the Inner Tibetan Plateau (ITP). However, the dynamic attribution behind this decadal increment remains unclear. Here, analysis of observations, large ensemble simulations, and pacemaker experiments indicates that this decadal increase was mainly attributed to the synergistic effects of the external forcing (anthropogenic greenhouse and aerosol emissions) and the Pacific internal variability, while the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean play a secondary role. Observations and simulations show that thermodynamic and dynamic effects work collaboratively to this increase. Remarkably, the upper-level dynamic convergence over the ITP would be enhanced through teleconnection and atmospheric dynamic feedback when involving the Pacific internal variability, resulting in more precipitation occurrence. Further analyses show that the enhanced stationary Rossby wave propagation over Eurasia and strengthened transient eddy activity over North Pacific could contribute to the anomalous cyclone over the ITP and weakened East Asian westerly jet, which built a pathway for the external forcing and Pacific internal variability collaboratively impacting the decadal increase in precipitation in the ITP. These results can improve our understanding of ITP summer precipitation attribution and can be applied to emergent constraints on future decadal precipitation prediction.
summer precipitation,asian water tower,pacific,variability-determined
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