
Supplementary Figure 1 from Polycomb Protein EZH2 Regulates Tumor Invasion Via the Transcriptional Repression of the Metastasis Suppressor RKIP in Breast and Prostate Cancer


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PDF file, 267KB, Supplementary figure 1. a) Heat maps of RKIP, EZH2, Snail and E-cad expression profiles obtained by interrogating publicly available DNA microarray expression datasets (33). The abbreviations are as follows: NAP: normal adjacent prostate tissue, BPH: benign prostate hyperplasia, PCA: prostate cancer adenocarcinoma, and MPC: metastatic prostate carcinoma. Rows correspond to individual genes and columns represent individual patients. Color density is arranged in order from greatest decrease in expression at left (red) to greatest increase at right (light yellow). EZH2 and Snail mRNA are strongly expressed in MPC, in contrast to RKIP and E-cad. b) DU145 or MDA-MB231 cells were infected with indicated siRNA expressing retroviruses. The siRNA expressing cells were assayed for their ability to proliferate in growth medium containing 0.3% agar and the formation of multi-cellular colonies. Colonies were stained with MTT and quantified after 21 days from plates in triplicate (lower panel). Data shown are representative of three independent experiments and are expressed as mean colony number per plate +/- s.d. c) The effect of the indicated siRNA on DU145 cells proliferation was assayed by direct cell counting. Quiescent cells were counted by coulter counter at the indicated times after stimulation with 20% FBS. Data shown are representative of three independent experiments.
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